A platform to help hospital workers fight the virus safely

Philippe Corrot
3 min readMar 24, 2020


As COVID-19 spread across our towns and cities; as we moved our workforce to remote work and rescheduled our meetings and conferences; we all wanted to know one thing: how could we actually help? How could we be useful in stopping the proliferation of this virus? We, as people, but also we as Mirakl.

Our team at Mirakl in our Paris office

When news reports documented the lack of materials like hand sanitizers or masks in hospitals while companies pledged to produce more of these basic needs, we knew there was a gap to be closed.

Companies like L’Oreal, LVMH, and local chemical manufacturers had stepped up to fill the production void, but they were newcomers to an unknown supply chain. This lack of communication — or effective mechanism — made it nearly impossible to get these products in the hands of the health communities who needed them desperately.

In the span of 48 endless hours, and by working closely with the French government’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, our team volunteers launched

Screenshot of platform for basic medical supplies.

The marketplace now ensures healthcare workers on the front lines of this crisis have the tools to arm themselves.

Since the launch on Thursday, we went from offering just hydro-alchoolic gel to now quickly expanding into masks, protective gear and other critical goods. We’ve focussed on streamlining and securing the supply chain via this marketplace in France, but a StopCovid19 platform can and must be applied to any country with its own producers, distributors and buyers.

This marketplace is a testament to the power of collaboration: Tech, government, producers and distributors.

It’s a testament to agility: Producers who shifted their production from making perfumes to making hand sanitizers; the agility and efficiency of a marketplace that can expand its reach, range and pivot into any category depending on the need.

Photo by Tai's Captures on Unsplash

The power of platforms, which align the supply chain, and in this case helped create a central, transparent, secure and digital way for hospitals to access necessities. And most importantly, it’s a testament to humanity who, in times of great need, has come together. I have experienced it personally during this project.

But not only.

I’ve seen companies mobilize to donate, create and innovate to help schools, telework and food delivery. I’ve seen people offer to help take care of the children or shop for older people in quarantine. I’ve seen people all around me stay home, even before it was mandated, so they could help alleviate the pressures on our hospitals and save the lives of those who are at higher risk. I’ve seen our communities mobilize for the greater good.

This virus may be strong, but together, we are stronger.

Published originally on Linkedin



Philippe Corrot

Philippe Corrot is the CEO and co-founder of Mirakl. A serial entrepreneur based in Paris, he is passionate about societal and business digital transformation.